School’s mission

The mission of the elementary level is:

  1. To develop basic skills, in particular, obeying the rules and regulations, developing independent literacy, forming a sense of responsibility;
  2. Creating a positive attitude towards the education and school environment, stimulate students’ interest with different methods/techniques, promoting mental and emotional development, preparing the student for basic level.

The mission of the basic level is:

  1. To develop students’ logical and critical thinking, forming such skills that will help them to reveal their independent interests and inclinations.
  2. To develop constructive thinking skills by gradually presenting the subjects, increasing work capacity, and taking participation in the process of formation of a confident citizen;
  3. To ensure the freedom of choice by fully preparing students for mastering social and labor conditions.

The mission of the middle level is:

  1. To deepen and strengthen the interests identified at the basic level, studying them in detail;
  2. To develop student’s critical thinking;
  3. To form such a creative thinking citizen who is able to express his/her opinion clearly and confidently; who can make independent decisions and create fresh material/intellectual values.


School’s mission

The main mission of the Ltd “Aisi” private middle school is the establishment of highly educated, integrated youth, who respect human rights and law. Teaching such basic principles, as equality, tolerance, respect towards each other’s dignity and honor. The school ensures the moral as well as the physical development of its students, their intellectual growth, in order to eventually hand over full-fledged citizens to the country.

Scholarship Facility

Creating a safe, competitive environment by ensuring collaboration between students, parents, and teachers, where all students will have an equal opportunity to receive modern, deep, and comprehensive knowledge, to become ready for facing life challenges, and develop into law-abiding people.

Skilled Lecturers

The school is focused on the interests and opportunities of each student, this is achieved with a small contingent in the classrooms.

Book Library & Store

A student should be able to realize his full potential and, in the future, make a choice between professional and high education.